the wacky life and times of suzi boneshaker

silly old tidbits and stories from me! also, art, events & more!

29 August 2008

holy hell

if mccain wins prez cause he picked a woman VP we are surely fucked.
fucked i tell you.
fucking fucked.
i have a not be politically fucked.

16 August 2008

suzi boneshaker art news and me randomly on the world wide web...


go to the night gallery website for more info!


here is a fox tv show that has a picture of brooks and i from the el diablo run motorcycle ride we went on last year to mexico!
pretty cool!

(click on part 3 we are in the first photo)

in regards to my last post (aka i am a knucklehead...)

i have had my art before on the walls of the true love.
kepi's BATS show 1 or 2 years ago.
i have THE WORST memory.
unless you owe me money or have double crossed me.
THEN i'll remember!!!

09 August 2008

ohhhhhhh watch out sacto!

the scary art collective (that includes me, tee hee!) will have a group art show at the TRUE LOVE coffee house owned by the one and only kevin seconds of 7 seconds!

i have always wanted my art adorning those walls!!!
like a dream come true!


more details as they unfold!!!!!!

08 August 2008

art show tomorrow night sacto!

hey, i hope you can go... i won't be there, please tell me how it goes!!!

05 August 2008

the cliche good news bad news mac style part II

the mac gods have smiled upon us!
replaced - on warranty:
new front housing
new hard drive (say good bye to all stuff lost)

not on warranty:
new battery, but the mac gods replaced it for free anyhow!

i love those mac people!!!

THANK YOU mac gods/godesses!!!!

03 August 2008

the cliche good news bad news mac style

good news:
extended warranty covers the fried hard drive on the macbook.

we are also getting a new keyboard and scroll mousepad thingy. yay.

bad news:
hard drive fried. all data lost.
mother fucker.
a lot of stuff is on the G3 luckily (pics of max) but stuff was still lost to never be seen again.
sad face here.

so, my activity online will be cut due to my lack of patience for the slow G3...
see you all more regularly in a week or so!

02 August 2008

"dear mac book gods...

...please let our mac book still be under warranty as we may have killed the hard drive.
i know we may have lost everything in the memory which would suck...
let the genius tomorrow be gracious and have mercy on our poor souls..friends, send us your good thoughts...


i type here from our desktop G3.

it is slow, but it works....oh the sadness, oh the humanity :(

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